Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fifth day of preschool

RE doing laundry.

Amelia started preschool on August 15, but due to being busy, we didn't get pictures until her fifth day. She loved school from day 1 and has not had any problems going. There are only 6 kids, a few are 4 and a few are 3, which I think has helped her to really learn more than I ever taught her in our coop.

Davy's blessing

Davy was blessed on September 11, 2011 by Ricky. It was so great that Abuelo could come and be in the circle. We also had Bro. Amoureaux, Bro. Chipman, and Bishop Rustand. Ricky blessed Davy in Spanish and showed great emotion. Davy was a good boy, but Amelia and RE were not, so I actually didn't hear most of the blessing. Ricky told me all about it later.

Sleepyhead before church. This was RE's blessing outfit we bought in PR.

Davy was really hungry.

This is as good as it gets right now.

Abuelo y Abuela

Ricky's parents were able to come spend a few days with us in September. The kids loved having their grandparents!


Davy is growing fast. At his 2 month check up he weighed 13 8, 75th %, which for me is new. I've never had such a fat baby! He is eating well and smiling like crazy. He still has blue eyes and his hair has a slight red tint to it. We love him so much.
RE is talking quite a bit for his age. It's amazing what he can say and do. He climbs all over the couches and falls off on purpose. He loves to go outside and play in the dirt and rocks. He loves Davy and Amelia.
Amelia is doing great at preschool. She is writing a lot more and had started drawing pictures of actual things as opposed to just lines and colors. She can sing a song after hearing it once or twice and she loves to read books. She will have a book memorized after I read it to her a few times. She loves to sing songs and make up songs. She has been dry every night except one in the last month and a half.


Amelia had her first visit to the dentist. She was so excited to go because we read Charlie and the loose tooth a few months ago. She has not enjoyed visits to the doctor, so I thought she might not like the dentist. I had my cleaning first and then she literally pushed me out of the chair for her turn. She did a great job opening her mouth while they cleaned and checked everything. I was really proud of her. She has been brushing her teeth 10 times a day with the new toothbrush they gave her.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dance Class

Amelia started a little dance class at the rec center in March. These pictures are from their last day in May. She is doing the summer session now with the same teacher and really loves it.


The highlight of our month was moving into our new house, but here's a few things we did before that. Amelia went to a sprinkler party and enjoyed her first time on a slip'n slide. She actually just crawled back and forth, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

We went walking in Sabino Canyon. This was before we hit 100 degrees.

RE with his papi.

I think I'm about 29 weeks in this picture. (Thanks for the hat Tracy.)

Just eating snacks outside on our little patio.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pool Time

Things are heating up here already and we got the wading pool out to cool off. Amelia loves to jump inside and splash everyone. RE is still deciding, I think he'll like the big pool better.

Preschool Zoo Trip and Easter Party

We had a great Easter Party for preschool last week. The kids had a great time painting chicks, finding easter eggs, making bunny ears and painting egg shaped waffles.

We also had an outing to the zoo. Here's the girls looking at the ducks/flamingoes/fish.

Always have to get a picture in the egg.

Preschool has been a blast and we're going to be very sad when it ends!

Pima County Fair 2011

We went to the Pima County Fair this month and had a great time. We ate our turkey legs first and then headed over to the tractors and petting zoo. We're not up for rides yet, maybe next year.

The kids loved the animals and a goat tried to eat my shirt. I stood up and tried to get him to let go and I really had to pull. Amelia was talking about that "silly goat" for days.

Amelia loves tractors, don't ask me why. She had to sit on every tractor and put on the seat belt and push the buttons.

We also saw a shark exhibit and all the 4H animals. We topped it off with some ice cream and headed home exhausted!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Of late...

We've been trying to get RE to sleep in his crib. He'll take a nap there, but he cries at night and I usually take him out because I don't want him to wake Amelia up. I think it will be better when he has his own room. Amelia gets so excited when he wakes up and wants to get in the crib with him. This is how I found them on a rare morning where they both slept through the night.
My good friend gave me steak for my birthday, isn't that awesome? We got a raspberry cheesecake coldstone cake for my birthday. Was it worth $25? Why yes it was.
Amelia started a little dance class at the rec center a few weeks ago. It's so cute watching the little girls run around. She did not want this picture taken, so it's all I have. They are supposed to have a little recital at the end, so hopefully I'll get some pictures there.
Enjoying a popsicle, I believe this was a 95 degree day, although we did have rain and cold this week.