Saturday, October 22, 2011


Davy is growing fast. At his 2 month check up he weighed 13 8, 75th %, which for me is new. I've never had such a fat baby! He is eating well and smiling like crazy. He still has blue eyes and his hair has a slight red tint to it. We love him so much.
RE is talking quite a bit for his age. It's amazing what he can say and do. He climbs all over the couches and falls off on purpose. He loves to go outside and play in the dirt and rocks. He loves Davy and Amelia.
Amelia is doing great at preschool. She is writing a lot more and had started drawing pictures of actual things as opposed to just lines and colors. She can sing a song after hearing it once or twice and she loves to read books. She will have a book memorized after I read it to her a few times. She loves to sing songs and make up songs. She has been dry every night except one in the last month and a half.


  1. Oh Thank you! it is so good to see how the kids are growing! They all look so great! I wish I could be there so see them in person! Miss you guys!

  2. lisa, you have the cutest family. i love being able to see them. miss you!
